Egg Attempt #1

So, this is the first time I’ve ever made this dish. I’m the kind of person who likes reading 5-6 recipes on the same dish to understand the base and what’s personal style/flair from the chef. This isn’t really a recipe, so much as it is a progression of me crafting my own dish, because sometimes after you’ve gotten enough recipes under your belt, you just want to get creative and make your own dishes.

I have my own dishes that I’ll maybe share in the future, but for now this egg attempt, because I wanted to make a ricotta egg bite. Before all that though, as every recipe before me, this one needs some history… This is from scratch so, have some untrue history from scratch as well:

The rich history of this dish

This dish belonged to my grandmother, I never knew her though because she died before she was born. Regardless of her struggles to exist in the metaphysical plane, she used to make this dish with less than what we have today. Her recipe consisted of: Egg.

So, I really did a lot of the heavy lifting in the background to spice that up and make it what it is today. I hope you enjoy the process~!

All the fuck ups

So, yes, there were a lot of fuck ups. That’s bound to happen when you’re thoughtlessly putting together a dish without writing things down to remind yourself. The ingredients list so far:

  • 4 Eggs
  • Ricotta
  • Turkey Bacon
  • Spinach
  • Shredded Mozzarella
  • Puff Pastry
  • Seasoning: Salt & Pepper, Parsley, Thyme, & Chives
  • & a large pre-buttered muffin pan that you can buy at the store (pre-buttered*)

* For legal reasons, pre-buttered muffin pans do not exist as far as I am aware, and you should probably not use a used & buttered muffin pan from the stores without washing it yourself and buttering it.

I thought the ricotta cheese would give the eggs some oomph! Which it probably would have if I remembered to get heavy cream or half & half at the store or even just remembered to toss in milk. In a bowl, I mixed together 4 eggs & ricotta cheese. They didn’t incorporate very well together and the cheese was clumpy.

Remember to not season your egg + ricotta mix even a little until the last second, but more on that later.

After following the puff pastry instructions of letting them thaw and cutting them into squares. In the pre-buttered muffin pan (thank you, Andre), put your squares of puff pastry in. Using a fork, stipple the puff pastry into the pan so help it breath better or something. (Again, this isn’t a real recipe, I am not a real chef, I only play one on tv* (*idk why I’m lying to you, I don’t even own a tv**(**again with the lies)))

Once your Andre has let out his pent up aggression, that he claims he does not have, onto that poor puff pastry (Andre, how could you?), toss in a couple of spinach leaflets and shred up turkey bacon. Then your egg mix.

By this time, you’re probably think “But the seasoning!”. So true. Remember at the last second to toss on a random assortment of seasoning on top and maybe mix all that together a little. Bonus: we top it all off with shredded mozzarella, because we play favorites here when it comes to this cheese.

You should end up with egg muffins that aren’t fully done yet & need 10 more minutes!

Notes for next time

Overall, it wasn’t a bad attempt. I should have mixed my eggs with seasoning prior to the pan, because they were a tad bland. I typically adding a bit of oregano to things, so I might toss some of that into this next time, too. Unfortunately, I’m not too concerned about seasoning as much as I am the egg + cheese + puff pastry trio.

I’ll also have to fix the egg to puff pastry ratio as 4 eggs was more than I expected it to be, and I was playing it safe, too! The puff pastry needed a little more room to breath and cook completely, so less egg will work better. Less egg, surprisingly is the biggest takeaway. Especially if I plan on mixing milk or half & half* in later attempts. (*Andre REALLY likes half & half and so I’ll forcefully shove this into recipes if I can)

It was hard to taste any ricotta unless it was a bigger clump. I was worried the ricotta would be too much or too little, and in this instance it was maybe too little. I have 2 ideas I want to try out next attempt:

  1. First Idea: Start off with a ricotta base!
    • Add my seasoning
    • Add egg one at a time while stirring it in to fully integrate the cheese with the egg.
  2. Second Idea: Give up on mixing ricotta in!
    • That’s right, the whole purpose of this dish was to have a wonderful fluffy egg ricotta scramble and I’m thinking maybe its impossible to mix these two together. Quitter talk.
    • Instead, we make our egg mix and pour it on our puff pastry as before.
    • We put a dollop of ricotta in the center. Let the ricotta stand alone and see how it fairs as a fun surprise.

I rambled on a lot, but honestly having a blog entry documenting this dish for when I try again will just be a nice reminder to myself of what to keep in mind. If you stumbled onto this somehow and read all of this, thank you. The main takeaway is that I had fun and if I happen to perfect this dish at any point, I will make a proper recipe for it.

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